Results for 'Joseph Jesus Florez Cortina'

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  1.  10
    Imersão digital e novas formas de fazer ciência.Dorival Campos Rossi & Joseph Jesus Florez Cortina - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (1):22-34.
    A ampla utilização da Internet para inúmeras atividades levou à criação de novos paradigmas no relacionamento humano e permitiu mudanças significativas no pensamento, na construção e veiculação do conhecimento científico assim como nas estruturas sociais estabelecidas ao longo do tempo. Para refletir sobre o acesso ao conhecimento e suas formas de veiculação atual, o artigo apresenta uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema com o objetivo de compreender os principais componentes e metodologias que vêm sendo desenvolvidos pela ciência aberta principalmente (...)
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    La idea de continuidad en las filosofías de Leibniz y Peirce.Jorge Alejandro Flórez Restrepo & Jesús Esteven Arias Cardona - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (298 S. Esp):841-861.
    El presente artículo ofrece un análisis del concepto de continuidad, tal como fue desarrollado por dos de sus principales exponente, Leibniz y Peirce. Comienza por definir el significado del concepto, señalando las diferentes propiedades del continuum identificadas en ambos autores. Después señala las consecuencias y aplicaciones filosóficas que el concepto tiene para ambos filósofos, en especial para la ontología. En primer lugar, expone lo que Leibniz llamó la ley de continuidad y sus diferentes versiones. Luego, se habla de lo que (...)
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    Bioética y neuroética.Adela Cortina & Jesús Conill - 2019 - Arbor 195 (792):503.
    La neuroética nace oficialmente a comienzos del siglo XXI, gracias al avance de las neurociencias, como ética aplicada vinculada a la bioética, pero también como neuroética autónoma. Como ética aplicada, aborda cuestiones cercanas a la bioética. Como neuroética autónoma, se enfrenta a problemas clásicos de la filosofía desde una perspectiva neurocientífica en sentido amplio. Dos cuestiones serán centrales en ella: diseñar un marco para seleccionar, interpretar e integrar los datos de las neurociencias acerca de la moralidad, y trazar el método (...)
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  4. Estudio de materiales de las pinturas murales de la Torre de las Damas (Granada) y estado de conservación.Víctor Jesús Medina Flórez, Luis Fermín Capitán Vallvey & E. Manzano - 1993 - Al-Qantara 14 (1):177-204.
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    La praxis de los carismas en la Iglesia de san Agustín.Joseph Bentivegna & Jesús Alvarez - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):15-37.
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    Algunos datos sobre el origen de la técnica de la pintura mural hispanomusulmana.Víctor Jesús Medina Flórez & Ana García Bueno - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (1):213-222.
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    Cerebro disminuido: el valor de la emoción y la motivación.Jesús Flórez - 1999 - Arbor 162 (640):533-540.
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    Naltrexone does not disrupt acquisition or performance of inhibitory conditioning.Jesus Landeira-Fernandez, Michael S. Fanselow, Joseph P. DeCola & Jeansok J. Kim - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (6):591-594.
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    FLÓREZ R. Jorge Alejandro El ascenso hacia el conocimiento universal: Un estudio sobre los conceptos de inducción e intuición en Aristóteles.Jesús Arias Cardona - 2017 - Praxis Filosófica 44:275-281.
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    Schubert, Kurt, Der historische Jesus und der Christus unseres Glaubens. [REVIEW]S. Folgado Flórez - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (2):442-444.
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  11. The Death of Jesus in Luke-Acts.Joseph B. Tyson - 1986
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    Ética discursiva e inteligencia artificial. ¿Favorece la inteligencia artificial la razón pública?Jesús Conill Sancho - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 90:115-130.
    Este artículo muestra que la ética del discurso en versión de la ética cordis contribuye a mantener una actitud crítica de discernimiento ante las tecnologías de la inteligencia artificial. Propone distinguir entre opinión pública y razón pública, para destacar el sentido crítico del uso público de la razón en la línea de Kant, Rawls, Habermas y Cortina. Y afrontar las dificultades para ejercer la razón pública en la era digital: impacto de la inteligencia artificial en la comunicación, hiperconectitividad, datificación, (...)
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    Jesus and the Critics: A Logico-Critical Analysis of the Marcan Confrontation.Joseph Keller - 1986 - Interpretation 40 (1):29-38.
    A narrative pattern in which confrontational passages are followed by parables metaphorically clarifying the power of faith, and by miracles which show faith's power in act, enables Mark to show Jesus meeting opponents' objections by requiring a yet greater degree both of love and of faith than they.
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  14. The Church in the Thought of Jesus.Clower Joseph B. - 1959
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    The Resurrection of the Human Jesus.Joseph M. Hallman - 1978 - Process Studies 8 (4):253-258.
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    Jesus Christ and the Civilization of To-Day.Joseph A. Leighton - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17:95.
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  17. Jesus and the Hidden Bible: A Study of Gospel Sources.Joseph Hayyim Krimsky - 1951
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    Marital fertility and income: Moderating effects of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints religion in Utah.Joseph B. Stanford & Ken R. Smith - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):239-248.
    SummaryUtah has the highest total fertility of any state in the United States and also the highest proportion of population affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Data were used from the 1996 Utah Health Status Survey to investigate how annual household income, education and affiliation with the LDS Church affect fertility for married women in Utah. Younger age and higher education were negatively correlated with fertility in the sample as a whole and among non-LDS respondents. (...)
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    The Gospel of Jesus Christ by Père M. J. Lagrange, O.P.Joseph L. Lilly - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (4):508-509.
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    La signification des miracles de Jésus.Joseph Doré - 2000 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 74 (3):275-291.
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  21. L'intérêt de la théologie pour le Jésus de l'histoire.Joseph Moingt - 2000 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 88 (4):579-597.
    A partir d'une problématique qui fait droit à la distinction entre historique et historicité, l'article de J. Moingt pose la question : en quoi la théologie s'intéresse-t-elle au Jésus de l'histoire ? à quoi il répond d'emblée : le théologien, en tant que discours sur Dieu et ouverture à la révélation et au salut pris globalement, s'intéresse de façon inéluctable au Jésus de l'histoire en tant que l'identité du Dieu des chrétiens est déterminée par son rapport d'identification à un personnage (...)
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  22. On the Fourofold Sense of Scripture in Jesus of Nazareth, Volume 1.Joseph W. Koterski - 2017 - Nova et Vetera 15 (3).
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    Humilitas Iesu Christi as Model of a poor church: Augustine's idea of a humble church for the poor.Joseph Lam - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):180.
    Lam, Joseph In an audience for journalists shortly after his election in 2013 Pope Francis revealed not only the reason for his choice of name, but also his vision of the church: 'Francis of Assisi. For me he is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and safeguards creation... He is the man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man... Oh, how I wish for a Church that is poor and for (...)
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  24. Six texts by Prof. Joseph Ratzinger as peritus before and during Vatican Council II.Joseph Ratzinger & Jared Wicks - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (2):233-311.
    Further research on the theological contributions of experts at Vatican Council II has led to identifying six texts by Prof. Joseph Ratzinger, which are presented here. The theological themes expressed in these texts include an insistence on the interior dynamics and questioning of human beings in conceiving the present-day "hearer of the word" to which Vatican II will speak. One is not surprised by the Professor's repeated call for doctrinal formulations drawn from the biblical and patristic sources instead of (...)
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    N.T. Wright's Understanding of the Nature of Jesus' Risen Body.Joseph J. Smith - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (1):29-73.
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  26. Jesus and God in Paul's Eschatology.L. Joseph Kreitzer - 1987
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    Reflections on the readings of Sundays and feasts: March-May.Joseph Sobb - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (1):98.
    Sobb, Joseph Today's Gospel extract from the Sermon on the Mount, has two different though related themes. The second especially is reflected in the first reading. The first theme may be heard as a succinct, indeed stark, summary of much of Jesus' teaching. The way of living to which Jesus invites his disciples calls for an integrity, an undivided heart which, of course, reflects his own relationship with his Father. So Paul can boldly proclaim in his second (...)
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    Jacques Leclercq, Back to Jesus[REVIEW]Joseph L. Shannon - 1961 - Augustinianum 1 (2):381-382.
  29. Compte-rendu de Yves Ledure," Le Code du Royaume. Léon Dehon et la spiritualité du Coeur de Jésus"(coll. Clairefontainer Studien, 4), Clairefontaine, Heimat und Mission Verlag, 2001. [REVIEW]Joseph Famerée - 2004 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 35 (1):87-89.
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  30. 'The joy of the Gospel': Reading Pope Francis's Evangelii Gaudium with St Augustine.Joseph Lam - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (3):304.
    Lam, Joseph The election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio on the evening of 13 March 2013 stunned as many Vatican observers as had the resignation from the Chair of St Peter announced by Pope Benedict XVI during the ordinary consistory of cardinals at the Vatican on 11 February that year. While the Vaticanisti expected a younger pope, the seventy-six year old Archbishop of Buenos Aires emerged from the conclave as the 266th pope and successor of the ageing German pope. However, (...)
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    “The Intellectual Difficulty of Imagining and Realizing Emmanuel”: Newman’s Concept of Realizing Christ in Parochial and Plain Sermons.Joseph F. Keefe - 2015 - Newman Studies Journal 12 (1):30-42.
    This essay explores and interprets two texts from Parochial and Plain Sermons in light of Newman’s understanding of religious imagination—specifically, the act of realization. Both texts suggest that for Newman, realization is a type of self-appropriation by which a fact or an object is assimilated . One sermon concerns the Passion, the other the Resurrection. He indicates that when the object of the imagination is Christ, realization comes about through meditation on Scripture, and produces a stronger or weaker vision of (...)
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    The crack in the cosmic egg: challenging constructs of mind and reality.Joseph Chilton Pearce - 1973 - London,: Lyrebird Press.
    The classic work that shaped the thought of a generation with its powerful insights into the true nature of mind and reality. - Defines culture as a "cosmic egg" structured by the mind's drive for logical ordering of its universe. - Provides techniques allowing individuals to break through the vicious circle of logic-based systems to attain expanded ways of creative living and learning. The sum total of our notions of what the world is--and what we perceive its full potential to (...)
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  33. The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus and of the Christians.Joseph Hp Wong - 1992 - Gregorianum 73 (1):57-95.
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  34. Jésus, Fils de Dieu, fait homme de la misère.Et la Glorification Du L'abaissement & Christ Chez le Père Joseph Wresinski - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118:67.
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    Living with the mind of Jesus: how beliefs shape your worldview.S. Joseph Kidder - 2022 - Nampa, Idaho: Pacific Press Publishing Association. Edited by Katelyn Campbell Weakley.
    A comprehensive study on the various benefits and traits of living with a Biblical worldview.
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    (1 other version)Modern Religious Problems. The Gospel of Jesus the Son of God. [REVIEW]Joseph Louis Perrier - 1910 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 7 (9):248-250.
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    Seeking the Sources of a Theologian: In Memory of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist. (1933–2022).Joseph Van House O. Cist - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):781-789.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Seeking the Sources of a Theologian:In Memory of Fr. Roch Kereszty, O.Cist. (1933–2022)Joseph Van House O.Cist.Fr. Roch Kereszty long enjoyed thinking about how, and how much, we can discover the truth about Jesus of Nazareth through historical research into his earthly life. Fr. Roch also often enjoyed indicating that at least part of the answer is that research about a human being can never be content with (...)
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    Toward an East–West Ultramontane Polyphony: On Dogma, Ecclesial Unity, and the Filioque.O. P. Thomas Joseph White - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):569-592.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Toward an East–West Ultramontane Polyphony:On Dogma, Ecclesial Unity, and the FilioqueThomas Joseph White O.P.The book that the contributors to this symposium have commented upon with graciousness and remarkable intellectual acuity is a work consisting of four parts. There are four main claims to the book associated with these four parts, each of which is divided into sub-themes. Thus, one can denote a number of inevitably controversial ideas advanced (...)
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    «Car chacun sera salé au feu...»(Mc 9, 49-50).Joseph Duponcheele - 2008 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 39 (1):67-79.
    Pour comprendre le verset énigmatique de Mc 9,49, «Chacun sera salé au feu», l’auteur adopte, parmi les variantes du texte, la «lectio difficilior»: celle qui ne confond pas l’action du sel avec celle du feu ou réciproquement. Il cherche ensuite des indices originaux de compréhension chez quelques commentateurs faisant autorité. Enfin, il analyse les différents usages du sel auxquels les textes évangéliques font implicitement référence. Il les replace dans le contexte de l’activité artisanale de l’homme Jésus, ainsi que dans la (...)
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    Fin de la théologie? Relecture d'un itinéraire.Joseph Moingt - 2008 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 39 (4):465-475.
    Invité à relire son itinéraire d’écriture, l’auteur de L’homme qui venait de Dieu et de Dieu qui vient à l’homme l’inscrit dans la perspective d’une nouvelle manière de faire de la théologie, marquée par la recherche d’une méthode d’interprétation théologique de l’Écriture destinée à combler la distance entre dogmatique et exégèse, et la recherche d’une énonciation de la foi au sein d’une culture où Dieu est absent. Son oeuvre, qui a pris la forme du grand récit de la révélation de (...)
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    The Limbic System and the Soul: Evolution and the Neuroanatomy of Religious Experience.R. Joseph - 2001 - Zygon 36 (1):105-136.
    The evolutionary neurological foundations of religious experience are detailed. Human beings have been burying and preparing their dead for the Hereafter for more than 100,000 years. These behaviors and beliefs are related to activation of the amygdala, hippocampus, and temporal lobe, which are responsible for religious, spiritual, and mystical trancelike states, dreaming, astral projection, near‐death and out‐of‐body experiences, and the hallucination of ghosts, demons, angels, and gods. Abraham, Moses, Muhammad, and Jesus Christ, and others who have communed with angels (...)
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    Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.Joseph T. Lienhard & Thomas C. Oden - 2001 - InterVarsity Press.
    Christians read the Jewish Scriptures in the light of what God did in Jesus the Christ. This ACCS volume on Exodus through Deuteronomy bears ample witness to this new way of reading these ancient texts. Varied in texture and nuance, the interpretations included in this volume display a treasure house of ancient wisdom, speaking with eloquence and intellectual acumen to the church today.
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  43. Against God’s Moral Goodness.Joseph L. Lombardi - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (2):313-326.
    While denying that God has moral obligations, William Alston defends divine moral goodness based on God’s performance of supererogatory acts. The present article argues that an agent without obligations cannot perform supererogatory acts. Hence, divine moral goodness cannot be established on that basis. Defenses of divine moral obligation by Eleonore Stump and Nicholas Wolterstorff are also questioned. Against Stump, it is argued (among other things) that the temptations of Jesus do not establish the existence of a tendency to sin (...)
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    Comprendre l'homme pour penser Dieu: dialogues critiques sur la raison pure croyante dans les monothéismes.Joseph Duponcheele - 2005 - Paris: Cerf.
    Se propose de : " [...] réfléchir critiquement sur les idées de foi et de révélation dans les religions monothéistes. Celles-ci en appellent par leur fondateur respectif à un même archétype ancestral de croyant : Abraham. Le judaïsme le revendique par Moïse, le christianisme par Jésus et l'islam par Mohammed. Ce raccourci historique pose, à celui qui ne s'enferme pas d'emblée dans les croyances de son groupe, de redoutables questions philosophiques sur l'unicité de Dieu et celle de l'idéal du croyant (...)
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    Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere: Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim Dialogue.Joseph Ellul - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1231-1247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vetera Novis Augere et Perficere:Thomas Aquinas and Christian-Muslim DialogueJoseph Ellul, O.P.Pope Leo XIII's encyclical letter Aeterni Patris, issued on August 4, 1879, sought to address many issues that were challenging nineteenth-century Catholic scholarship and academic life. In proposing the thought of Thomas Aquinas as a model of Catholic teaching, the Pope intended, in his own words, "to strengthen and complete the old by aid of the new,"1 not only (...)
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    The Philosophical Theology of John Duns Scotus by Allan B. Wolter, O.F.M.Joseph M. Incandela - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):517-522.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 517 she does on these issues; this is hardly the case. And lastly she fails to discern that some feminist christology does not spring from a love for Jesus and what he has done through his cross and resurrection; rather, Jesus is merely used (and thus abused) to further a theological and political agenda. [Men obviously are not immune from this either.] Despite my disagreements (...)
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    Everyday Disasters.Joseph J. Fins - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):207-213.
    “That's my dad on the floor.”And there he was unconscious in a pool of blood in the bathroom. A paramedic who had accompanied him to the john was holding him off the ground, the USMC tattoo on his forearm cradling his head. My sister shrieked, and I went down on my knees to see about his airway. “We need a doctor here. Cardiac Team!” Could this really be happening to him? To us? Jesus Christ.
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    The Gospel in the Theology of Paul.Joseph A. Fitzmyer - 1979 - Interpretation 33 (4):339-350.
    “Gospel” is Paul's personal way of expressing the significance of the Christ-event, the meaning that the person, life, ministry, passion, death, resurrection, and lordship of Jesus of Nazareth had and still has for human history and existence.
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  49. Medieval Augustinism as the source of modern illness?: Etienne Gilson's Thomistic Realism vs Idealistic Augustinism.Joseph Lam - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (1):59.
    Being questioned about the nature of Christian faith, Mark Twain famously declared it as 'believing what you know ain't so'. Indeed, the role of reason for faith is a matter of dispute. Jesus, some argue, was not a philosopher or a teacher of wisdom. Rather, he is the saviour because of his unassuming sacrificial death and resurrection. Not reason, but the leap of faith is the ultimate condition of salvation. The Enlightenment however epitomises a Copernican revolution in favour of (...)
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    Emptiness and Dogma.Joseph Stephen O'Leary - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):163-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 163-179 [Access article in PDF] Emptiness and Dogma Joseph S. O'Leary Sophia University The controversial Vatican document Dominus Iesus reasserts that non-Christian religions are objectively in a defective situation as regards salvation.Etymologically, salvation (soteria salus) means health. Here I should like to reflect on apparent symptoms of ill health in Christian theology and ask if Buddhist wisdom can help us formulate a diagnosis and (...)
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